

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I had been posting my rides on Facebook for quite awhile before making the decision to create a blog.  I made a last post on FB on Friday with this blog in mind.  For those of you who already read this one, give me a pass.  I want this one here.  Perpetual Motion Man intrigues me and he belongs here.

i have seen you before. you sit in the same seat each ride just on the opposite side of the aisle from where i always sit. within moments of sitting, it will begin. the sequence of movements is always the same: your arms float up, then down; your palms lie flat on your thighs, but only for a moment before they drift up to rub your face. now they run over your hair, just twice, and then your ha
nds grip the bar of the seat in front of you. every so often you break this ritual of perpetual replay by standing up; you take your hands off the seat in front of you to thrust them deep into the pockets of your jeans and you sit back down after extracting what you were seeking. the last time you had a tube of some type of cream that you squirted onto your finger and then applied deep into each nostril. today you popped something into your mouth... candy? a pill? who are you, Perpetual Motion Man? why can you not stop moving?

The Launch

This is a blog about a bus and those who ride it to get where they need to go each day.  Bus 13, to be precise.  The 13 and its inhabitants came into my life over a year ago when I needed transportation to work in Providence.  Riding the bus and figuring out the schedule and the right place to show up to get picked up had always seemed too complicated and overwhelming to figure out, but I took a deep breath because I had no car.  I now have a car, but the 13 has a hold on me.  I can't stop riding it.  I can't stop observing my fellow Riders and wondering who they are and how they got to the places in their lives that brought them to the 13.  Since today is Sunday, there is no bus service.  I wonder what those without any type of transportation other than the Bus do on a day like today?  It is my hope that I can keep up with this blog and capture a segment of the population that is often overlooked and misunderstood.  So.  Let The Bus Blog Begin.