

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Olfactory Overload would describe today's bus ride both in and out of Prov.  Good Lord, people!  This AM the smells consisted of body odor, ancient Avon roller ball perfume, cheap cologne, and just plain FUNK.  I found myself wondering about a person's personal awareness of how they smell to others....  Believe me, I know immediately when my organic deodorant has worn off.  I try to minimize movement so as to minimize The Waft Factor.  Ok, I realize that there are those less fortunate who cannot even afford deodorant or do not have access to a shower on a daily basis.  But the perfume/cologne?  Believe it or not, not everyone is as delighted by that scent as you are.  Please go easy when applying.

This evening the overwhelming odor was mixed....  Liquor and vomit.  Not a pleasant scent.  I actually thought it was coming from the dusty guy in front of me, but when I was able to change seats I saw the guy who was sitting...  Well, slumped, in the seat behind me.  It was coming from him.  I had to pull that bag of coffee I bought this AM outta my bag and hold it under my nose.  It did the trick!  Tom and I began a discussion about Bus Smells and his trick is to rub Vicks under his nose so he can make it to his destination without retching.  Good to know.

As we wound our way into West Warwick, a woman in the front of the bus who had been glancing back at Slumped Guy, got up and slipped into the seat I had vacated.  She reached back and jiggled Slumped Guy.  "Hey.  Hey.  HEY!  Wake up, Sleeping Beauty."  Slumped Guy stirred and grunted.  "We are probably near your destination," she said.  He looked up.  "Are we at the Sam store?", he mumbled.  "Almost", she answered.  He slumped once more.  Soon she reached up and pulled the cord.  We were at the Sam store and she jiggled him once more.  "We are here," she said.  Slumped Guy shifted and looked up.  "Is this my stop?", he slurred.  "You said it was," she answered brightly and he thanked her.  "No worries", she said.  I thought, how kind.  How kind she was in comparison to me.  I was just thinking I should move again so that he wouldn't blow gears all over me.

So, I felt ashamed.  I wanted to be as kind.  There was a young couple with many bags at the front of the bus; they looked tired and like they had not had a shower in awhile.  Bert was telling them that he could drop them at the Cumby's in Coventry, but they would have to walk to the Super 8; a walk of at least 2 miles in the cold and dark.  I approached them and offered them a ride.  Come to find out, the girl is pregnant and feeling unwell.  They were delighted and accepted my offer.  John and Ariel.  Two young kids with another kid on the way.  I felt better, but was reminded.  Kindness is what
matters.  No matter how smelly.


  1. I commend you on your act of kindness today... keep that good Karma flowing !!!

  2. Your are an exceptionally kind person, Krisitn. Funny, this week I have been talking to my students about being kind, first.
