

Sunday, December 23, 2012

so we waited until the last possible moment to head to stop and shop...  andre had to work, i was baking, the tree needed attention....  so we finally went to gather last minute veggies and whatnot.  as i headed towards the produce aisle with my cart, who do i see standing in front of the apples?  guess.  ok, i'll tell you: cambodian guy.  there he stood, gazing at the apples with a couple of small packages in his arms.  i pulled my cart off to the side and stood next to him until he looked at me.  it took him only a second to say, "oh! my friend from the bus!".  i smiled; he leaned forward with his hand for a shake, but, i think i surprised him, i reached forward and pulled him into a hug (and was reminded at how small he is). it was such a surprise to see him there and i said so.  he replied that he could not find a job in minnesota.  it seems allstate insurance had nothing for him; he is going to go back "next year".  his in-law did, indeed, house him and even gave him the money to travel back to ri with enough "to go food shopping".  those 2 packages in his arms?  they were ballpark franks.  his plan is to head back there "next year" and he will try again to become an allstate agent.  he gave up his business here to give it a chance in minnesota; he could try again here if his friend would lease him office space and if he could rally up enough funds to buy another computer.  tax season IS just around the corner....  for now?  his ex took him back in (as a room mate just like before) and he has his ballpark franks for christmas dinner..  we parted in front of those apples; he did not buy any, but i noticed he looked at them one more time before he headed to the check out.    no matter what?  he keeps on going.  merry christmas, cambodian guy.

1 comment:

  1. Could the teacher be the one giving out the apple next time ?
